Can dogs eat apples?

Can dogs eat apples? Yes, dogs can eat apples, but there are a few things you should know before feeding them to your dog.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apples are packed with nutrients that can benefit your dog's health, but there are also some dangers to watch out for, such as the core and pips. As with any good thing, moderation is key because too many apples can cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs.

When served properly and safely to your dog, apples are healthy snacks that can be very refreshing and tasty.


Apples can be an inexpensive, low-calorie snack packed with valuable nutrients that are good for dogs. This makes them a good alternative as a snack or treat during a workout, as long as they are served in moderation.

They're low in protein and high in fiber, which can be good for digestive health, making them a good choice for dogs on a restrictive diet (low-protein and low-fat diets). This is especially helpful for older dogs or dogs with certain medical conditions. Fiber slows the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream. They are not considered an essential nutrient in your dog's diet, but they are found in almost every commercial dog food. Although dogs cannot get energy from fiber, its supplementation supports colon health and can help with weight management, diarrhea and constipation.

Apples are also a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium and phosphorus. The vitamins A and C found in an apple are good for your dog's skin and coat. In addition, vitamin A also supports the immune system. Vitamin C especially supports puppies in building bones and muscles.


The most important thing to look for when feeding dogs apples are the pips and core.

The kernels contain traces of cyanide, which is toxic. It takes a few cores to cause cyanide poisoning. Still, you don't have to risk your dog's health, so remove the pits before feeding your dog apples.

It is believed that the stalk can also be dangerous, so you should remove the stalk as well. The core of the apple is firm and difficult for most dogs to chew. It can pose a choking hazard or, if swallowed, cause a gastrointestinal blockage.

Apples contain sugar, so serve them in moderation. Sugar levels can cause problems in dogs suffering from cancer or diabetes. This is another reason why you should consult your veterinarian before giving apples to your dog. Also, too many apples can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea, even in healthy dogs.

Apple-flavored products, or products containing apples, often contain sugar, artificial flavorings, or chemicals. Always read the labels before feeding your dog any food and avoid added sugars, artificial sweeteners like xylitol, or ingredients you are unfamiliar with as they can be harmful.

It's best to choose organic apples, since many apples you find in the supermarket are coated with substances that make them shinier. Wash any fruit you buy as they may contain herbicides or pesticides.

As with most foods, there is a certain risk that your dog will have an allergic reaction. In rare cases, allergic reactions can lead to anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening condition.

If you notice signs of an allergic reaction in your dog, such as Coughing, sneezing, swelling, hives, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms, stop giving these fruits to your dog and contact your veterinarian immediately.


Always consult your vet first before giving your dogs human food. Some dogs have health problems that can be made worse by eating apples.

Once you have your vet's okay, make sure to wash any fruit you plan to serve your dog, remove the stems and seeds, and cut them into bite-sized pieces.

There are many ways to feed apples to dogs. You can freeze them and serve them up as a refreshing summer snack. You can mix them into your dog's food for a sweet treat, or use them to make homemade applesauce.

There are many dog ​​treat recipes online that contain apples, so try a few to see what your dog likes.

Do I have to peel the apples?

While the apple seeds, the stalk and the core can be dangerous in large quantities due to the hydrocyanic acid they contain, the peel is completely harmless.

Make sure, however, that you only feed your dog ripe apples. Fruit that has previously fallen from the tree is considered intolerable and can lead to diarrhea, abdominal pain and other unpleasant side effects.


Depending on its size and weight, your dog can eat up to one apple a day.

A good portion for your dog should only make up 10 percent of your dog's daily calories.


Hunde-Welpe am Apfel abschlecken

Puppies are also allowed to eat apples. But puppies need supervision, especially if they've never eaten an apple before. Watch them carefully as they eat a bite. Then see if it causes any digestive problems or allergies. If not, apples can be a good treat for your pup.


Yes, dogs can eat apples as long as you remove the stem, stone and core. Apples are healthy because they are packed with high-quality nutrients. They are low in protein and high in fiber, which is good for digestion. A piece of apple in between is very healthy!

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